Cackett praises new boys

Cackett praises new boys

Greg Cackett helped British Bobsleigh to two lightening starts on their way to 4-man silver on Sunday morning and he’s since been equally quick to praise the new boys in the World Cup set up.

Cackett, Taylor Lawrence, Arran Gulliver and Brad Hall were the second fastest starters in each heat of the 4-man race just 24 hours after Lawrence and Hall had won the first silver of their weekend in the 2-man competition in Canada.   

While Cackett, Lawrence and Hall helped GB win no fewer than seven top-tier medals last term, Gulliver was making his World Cup debut in Whistler just two months after first stepping into a bobsleigh. The 25-year-old had only raced once before in North American Cup action prior to last weekend but he didn’t look out of place on a sled that clocked start times of 4.78 and 4.79 seconds - just 0.01 and 0.02 seconds shy of Francesco Friedrich and his German race winners.

“I have to shout out Arran Gulliver for coming straight into a top-class crew and excelling immediately,” said Cackett.

He’s proven himself immediately and did exceptionally well at the weekend. That’s not easy to do, especially when he hadn’t even been in a bobsleigh until October. 

“It takes a lot of ability but also a great attitude so fair play to Arran for the way he’s thrown himself into the sport. He’s bought into our ethos and the way we like to work and he’s quick learner, too. He’s got a great future ahead of him.

“The same also goes for Rory Willicombe, who’s played a big part on this North American leg and throughout the summer.

“The whole team is in a really, really good place, which is super encouraging.”

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Arran Gulliver won silver on his World Cup debut

Another new boy has also made a big impression in the short time he’s been with the team, according to 2018 and 2022 Olympian Cackett.

With 30 plus years of experience in the sport, Graham Richardson is at the opposite end of the spectrum to Gulliver but he’s just as new to the current British set up having only joined as Head Coach two months ago. 

“We’ve also got to shout out Graham because he’s been an absolute dream so far as head coach,” added Cackett. 

“Like Arran, he’s fitted into what we do brilliantly and he’s had a big impact on the team. We’re really happy to get some results for him, too, and for everyone back home, to be honest.

We’re made up with the results so far. To have top two pushes in the 4-man and No 1 and No2 pushes in the 2-man shows the start is in a great place.

“To upgrade from a bronze and silver on the opening weekend last season to a double silver shows that we’re still on track. We move on now to Park City and we want to keep the momentum going.” 

The World Cup action continues this week, with skeleton scheduled for 4.30 and 8.30pm GMT on Thursday before 2-man and 4-man bobsleigh take place at 9.30 and 8.30pm on Friday and Saturday respectively.